Our Quality Policy

Structured Reporting

Marvellous Control

Proficient Documentation

Releasing in Ternal Capabilities

Pragmatic Project Management System

Stringent Coding Standards

Multiple Levels Of Testing

Expeditious Response

Agile System Development Model


Aram Industrial factory meets all the requirements and design criteria of every customer.

We have an in-house design department to develop TEKLA model dwgs and preparation of  design and cad dwgs.

We have a capacity of more than 900 tonnes per month with two other plants situated in 2nd industrial city , where our galvanising plants and painting plant are available.

Aram Industrial factory has been partnering with many other companies who are in similar fields of business and co-operating with our company to meet the challenges and also fulfilling our requirements of our clients.

Our motto is to serve our customers with best quality and in time delivery and on time installation support.